A mixed-studies systematic review and meta-analysis of school-based interventions to promote physica

来源 :运动与健康科学(英文版) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:qq85451619
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Purpose:The aim of this mixed-studies systematic review was to ascertain the effectiveness of school-based interventions in increasing physical activity (PA) and/or reducing sedentary time (ST) in children aged 5-11 years, as well as to explore their effectiveness in relation to categories of the theory of expanded, extended, and enhanced opportunity (TEO). Methods: Adhering to the Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses (PRISMA) guidelines, 5 databases were searched using predefined search terms. Following title and abstract screening of 1115 records, the removal of duplicates (n=584) and articles that did not meet the inclusion criteria agreed to a priori (n=419) resulted in 112 records that were full-text screened. Two independent reviewers subsequently used the mixed-methods appraisal tool to assess the methodological quality of 57 full-text studies that met the inclusion criteria after full-text screening. The interventions were summarised using the TIDierR checklist and TEO. The strength of evidence was deter-mined using a 5-level rating system utilising a published decision tree. Results:Overall evidence ratings for interventions implemented within school settings were:no evidence of effects on moderate-to-vigorous physical activity (MVPA) and inconclusive evidence of effects on sedentary time. In relation to the TEO, expansion of PA appeared to be the most promising intervention type for MVPA, with moderate evidence of effect, whereas extension and enhancement of PA opportunity demonstrated no evidence of effect. A critical issue of possible compensatory behavior was identified by analysis of intervention effect in relation to PA measurement duration;when studies measured changes in PA during the actual intervention, there was moderate evidence of effect, whereas those that measured changes in PA during the school day presented inconclusive evidence of effect, and those that measured changes in PA over a whole day yielded no evidence of effect. Two meta-analyses of those studies using a whole-day accelerometer measure for MVPA or ST showed a significant but moderate effect for MVPA (effect size=0.51; 95% confidence interval (CI): 0.02-0.99) and a large but nonsignificant effect for ST (effect size=1.15; 95%CI:-1.03 to 3.33);both meta-analyses demonstrated low precision, considerable inconsistency, and high heterogeneity.
森林里的小动物正在举行一场欢乐的音乐会。   1.说一说,小动物们演奏的分别是什么乐器呢?请把图中的小提琴圈出来。   2.哪一个小动物系了领结?请圈出来。   3.天上有很多氣球。数一数有( )只红色的,有( )只黄色的,有( )只蓝色的。你能找出彩色的气球吗?请圈出来。   4.你能按照彩旗的排列规律给剩下的旗子涂上颜色吗?   5.找一找,哪一朵向日葵上面有蜜蜂,请圈出来。并给图中的向日葵涂
【摘要】本研究采用CLAN编码和CLASS课堂评估系统,对高水平幼儿园教师的15节集体教学活动中的言语反馈进行分析发现,高水平幼儿园教师的言语反馈具有任务性、拓展性和追问性,还具有情感支持性和教育支持性。建议幼儿园教师可以从构建任务情境、使用丰富的言语反馈等方面促进幼儿发展。  【关键词】高水平幼儿园教师;言语反馈;特点;启示  【中图分类号】G615【文献标识码】A【文章编号】1004-4604
Background: Up to 74% of people with a history of ankle sprain develop chronic ankle instability (CAI). One commonly reported residual impairment is ankle pain;h
【摘要】本研究以58名中大班幼儿为被试,采用眼动追踪技术探究幼儿对球类运动器材的图案及颜色偏好,发现中大班幼儿更偏好分散色块的复杂图案,且与复杂图案的颜色分布方式无关;更偏好黄-蓝组合,而青-红组合对幼儿更具有新异性;对球类运动器材的颜色偏好表现出显著的性别差异,男孩更偏好黄一蓝组合和青-红组合,女孩则更偏好品红-绿组合。  【关键词】中大班幼儿;球类运动器材;图案偏好;颜色偏好;眼动指标  【中
【摘要】对151名自闭谱系障碍儿童母亲的教养效能感、参与教养程度和亲职压力进行调查发现,母亲教养效能感与参与教养呈显著正相关,与亲职压力呈显著负相关,母亲参与教养与亲职压力呈显著负相关,即母亲教养效能感越高,参与教养程度越高,亲职压力越小;参与教养在母亲教养效能感对亲职压力的影响中起部分中介作用。研究者据此提出相关建议。  【关键词】自闭谱系障碍儿童;教养效能感;参与教养;亲职压力  【中图分类号
【摘要】生活空间研究是英国一项历时三年的学前教育机构环境设计纵向研究,旨在探索如何让6岁以下的儿童参与到学前教育机构环境设计中,并在环境设计中融入儿童的看法和经验。本文基于对生活空间研究的背景、研究方法、实施过程等的介绍,建议在基于儿童视角创设和优化幼儿园环境时,应当运用多元方法搜集儿童的看法,多主体共同协商讨论儿童的看法,分类吸纳和灵活处理儿童的看法。  【关键词】生活空间研究;儿童视角;幼儿园