9岁的儿子放学回家,和几个同学在街口拾到一张10元纸币。围绕它的处理,孩子们展开了一场激烈的争论:有的说交老师,但有人反对,说老师会拿去买东西请同事吃;有的说交给警察叔叔,但也有人反对,说警察叔叔拿了钱说不定也会装进自己的腰包;有的说还给失主,可马上有人问谁是失主?有的提议去商店换成零钱分掉,但立即遭到大家的反对。最后还是儿子拍了板,把它丢进垃圾箱,反正每天都有叫花子在那里翻东西,就算做好事给了叫花子。 儿子讲完后,眼睛眨也不眨地看着我,似乎在等待我的评说。我不知道说什么好。许久以后我才问他:“如
9-year-old son came home from school, and several students pick up a 10 yuan banknotes in the street. Around it, the children started a fierce argument: some said to teachers, but others objected that teachers would buy something to eat with colleagues; some said to the police uncle, but others objected that The police uncle might have put the money into his pockets; some said it was returned to the owner, but someone immediately asked who the owner was. Some proposed going to the store for change, but immediately they were opposed by everyone. Finally, his son patted the board, throw it into the trash, anyway, every day there is something called Hanako turn things, even if doing good things to the beggar. After his son finished, his eyes blinked at me, seems to be waiting for my commentary. I do not know what to say. Long after I asked him: "Such as