茶翅蝽,又名臭水蝽象,俗称臭大姐,是晋南苹果产地为害果实的主要害虫。 茶翅蝽在晋南果区一年发生2代,以成虫在树洞、屋角、檐下和堆放的树枝、草堆等处越冬。翌春3月中下旬,越冬成虫开始陆续出蛰,向果树及多种林木上迁飞、取食。5月上旬越冬成虫开始交尾,5月中下旬大量产卵,雌虫可产卵5~6次,每次30粒
Tea wing bugs, also known as stinky stinkbug, commonly known as stinky big sister, is the main pests of fruits in Jinnan apple origin. Tea leaf stink bug occur in Jinnan fruit area for two generations a year, with the adults overwintering at the tree caves, roof corners, eaves and piled branches and haystacks. The next spring in late March, overwintering adult began to sting one after another, to fruit trees and a variety of forest migration, feeding. In early May, the overwintering adults begin to be copted, and large numbers of spawning eggs will be produced in the middle and late May. The female may spawn 5 to 6 times for 30 capsules