In the winter of 1963, we carried out production tasks in the northern part of Heilongjiang. The winter time was long, the snow was heavy and the climate was cold. However, the troops threshdered the fields in October and the first month of the following year, Working long hours, therefore, to prevent the occurrence of frostbite has become a daunting task in health work. After a period of work practice, we can understand the following points: First, we must uphold the ”four firsts“ and strengthen our ideological education. The head of the armed forces demanded that the unit must make good use of the antifreeze work and make winter prevention measures. They should constantly inspect the appraisal, praise advanced and establish the pacesetter . During the winter, a group of southern-speaking comrades were found to be a little afraid of the cold while northern comrades had the feeling of being paralyzed. In response to the above thought, they were all going to study Chairman Mao’s book and correctly understand Chairman Mao’s teaching. ”Strategically