在成都平原麦收后围绕免耕+麦秸覆盖还田栽种水稻的产量效应进行了研究,结果表明,(1)免耕处理较传统耕作水稻显著增产,主要是显著增加了单位面积有效穗数;(2)免耕+麦秸覆盖还田后,水稻产量增加,秸秆还田量与产量的关系符合多项式y=7238.6+0.0117x+2.12×10-5x2-1.49×10-9x3(R=0.988**),理论上还田麦秸以10 089 kg/hm2时水稻产量最高,此后开始下降;(3)与传统耕作比较,在水稻生长期,免耕明显加重了杂草的发生,但通过秸秆覆盖后可减少杂草发生,且表现出随秸秆还田量增加杂草量明显减少的趋势;在水稻收获后的休闲期,免耕表现出有抑制杂草发生的作用,且这种效果随着秸秆还田的增加而增强。
The results showed that: (1) No-tillage increased yield significantly compared with traditional tillage rice, which mainly increased the number of effective panicles per unit area; ( 2) After no-till + straw-mulching, the yield of rice increased, the relationship between straw returning and yield was in accordance with polynomial y = 7238.6 + 0.0117x + 2.12 × 10-5x2-1.49 × 10-9x3 (R = 0.988 **) , The yield of rice was the highest when wheat straw was returned to field with 10 089 kg / hm 2 in theory, and then began to decline. (3) Compared with traditional tillage, no-tillage increased the incidence of weeds in rice growth stage obviously, but after straw mulching, Reduce the occurrence of weeds, and showed a trend of weeds decreased significantly with increasing amount of straw returning; During the fallow period after rice harvesting, no-tillage showed the effect of inhibiting weeds, and this effect with straw Increased and enhanced field.