Adsorption and Vibration of O on the Pt Stepped Surfaces

来源 :结构化学 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:known9
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The 5-parameter Morse potential (5-MP) of interaction between an adatom and metal surface cluster is put forward and performed on O-Pt stepped surface systems. We have primarily studied O/Pt(331), O/Pt(221) and O/Pt(553) systems and drawn some conclusions from the calculated results in good agreement with experimental and theoretical information. The O atom adsorbs stably near the step, so the step is the active place in the reaction. There are two types of atomic states, a1 and a2, in the adsorbed systems, corresponding to the three-fold states and four-fold long-bridged state behind the step respectively. Moreover, the length of (111) terrace affects weakly the properties of all critical points in these systems. The 5-parameter Morse potential (5-MP) of interaction between an adatom and metal surface cluster is put forward and performed on O-Pt stepped surface systems. We have satisfied studied O / Pt (331), O / Pt and O / Pt (553) systems and drawn some conclusions from the calculated results in good agreement with experimental and theoretical information. The O atom adsorbs stably near the step, so the step is the active place in the reaction. There are two types of atomic states, a1 and a2, in the adsorbed systems, corresponding to the three-fold states and four-fold long-bridged states behind the step respectively. In addition, the length of (111) terrace affects weakly the properties of all critical points in these systems.
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INTRODUCTIONCarbon monoxide occupies a special place among combustible gases. The high flammable limit, the slowness of its flame propagation, and the role of w
来自新华社的统计:我国煤矿平均每人每年产煤321吨,全员效率仅为美国的2.2%、南非的8.1%,而百万吨死亡率则是美国的100倍、南非的30倍。 Statistics from Xinhua News Agenc