Association of HBV DNA replication with antiviral treatment outcomes in the patients with early-stag

来源 :Chinese Journal of Cancer | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:nqqlove
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Background:It remains unclear what the antiviral therapy affects disease-free survival(DFS) and overall survival(OS)of patients with hepatitis B virus(HBV)-related hepatocellular carcinoma(HCC) at different tumor stages and baseline HBV DNA levels.In this study,we analyzed the association of antiviral treatment with DFS and OS based on the stratification of baseline HBV DNA load in early-stage(stages Ⅰ and Ⅱ) HCC patients.Methods:We included 445 patients with early-stage HBV-related HCC who underwent curative resection,and then classified them into four subgroups based on baseline HBV DNA load and antiviral therapy stratification.The KaplanMeier and Cox regression analyses were performed to determine the association of clinical characteristics with survival.Results:The median follow-up period was 74 months.For all patients,cumulative OS rates in the antiviral group were significantly higher than those in the non-antiviral group(log-rank test,P = 0.023),whereas no significant differences in DFS rates were observed.High baseline HBV DNA level was a risk factor associated with short DFS and OS in all patients.In patients with baseline HBV DNA levels ≥2000 lU/mL,antiviral treatment was significantly associated with prolonged DFS and OS(log-rank test,P = 0.041 and 0.001,respectively).In patients with HBV DNA levels <2000 lU/mL or undetectable,antiviral treatment did not show a significant benefit in prolonging DFS and OS.Conclusions:High baseline HBV DNA levels are associated with poor prognosis in the patients with early-stage HCC,and the antiviral treatment could generate survival benefits for the patients.Therefore,antiviral treatment should be given for these patients.However,the effect of antiviral treatment on the patients with low viral load remains unclear,and further investigation is warranted. Background: It remains unclear what the antiviral therapy affects disease-free survival (DFS) and overall survival (OS) of patients with hepatitis B virus (HBV) -related hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) at different tumor stages and baseline HBV DNA levels. this study, we analyzed the association of antiviral treatment with DFS and OS based on the stratification of baseline HBV DNA load in early-stage (stages I and II) HCC patients. Methods: We included 445 patients with early-stage HBV-related HCC who underwent curative resection, and then classified into the four subgroups based on baseline HBV DNA load and antiviral therapy stratification. The Kaplan Meier and Cox regression analyzes were performed to determine the association of clinical characteristics with survival. Results: The median follow-up period was 74 months. All patients, cumulative OS rates in the antiviral group were significantly higher than those in the non-antiviral group (log-rank test, P = 0.023) Ences in DFS rates were observed. High baseline HBV DNA level was a risk factor associated with short DFS and OS in all patients. Patients with baseline HBV DNA levels ≥ 2000 lU / mL, antiviral treatment was significantly associated with prolonged DFS and OS ( In patients with HBV DNA levels <2000 lU / mL or undetectable, antiviral treatment did not show a significant benefit in prolonging DFS and OS. Conclusions: High baseline HBV DNA levels are associated with poor prognosis in the patients with early-stage HCC, and the antiviral treatment could generate survival benefits for the patients. Before, antiviral treatment should be given for these patients. However, the effect of antiviral treatment on the patients with low viral load remains unclear, and further investigation is warranted.
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