禹县是烤烟生产的老区,植烟面积一直稳定在10万亩左右。所产烟叶曾以品质优良在国内外市场上享有盛名。70年代后,由于种种原因,烟叶质量下降,为了恢复和提高烟叶质量,我们接受了中国烟草总公司同美国澳斯汀烟草公司签定的为期三年的(1985—1987年)生产优质烟技术合作试验。1985年试验面积为57.04亩,1986年2552.2亩,1987年2006亩,三年连获优质高效益。现将技术措施和经济效益介绍如下。一、技术措施(一)选用良种,统一调茬,联片种植选用良种是烤烟优质适产高效益的内因。本试验选用了 G-140和 NC 89两个品种,栽培
Yu County is the old tobacco production area, tobacco plantation area has been stable at about 10 acres. Produced tobacco has a good reputation at home and abroad on the market. After the 1970s, due to various reasons, the quality of tobacco leaves declined. In order to restore and improve the quality of tobacco leaves, we accepted the three-year (1985-1987) production of high-quality smoke technology signed by China National Tobacco Corporation and Austin Tobacco Company Cooperative test. 1985 test area of 57.04 acres, 2552.2 acres in 1986, 1987, 2006 acres, three years even won the high quality and efficiency. Now the technical measures and economic benefits are as follows. First, the technical measures (A) selection of seeds, a unified stubble, planting Lianbian selected varieties of high quality tobacco is an effective internal control. The test selected two varieties of G-140 and NC 89, cultivation