Flow Induced Acoustic Resonance in In-line Tube Banks

来源 :Journal of Thermal Science | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:yellowyangjie
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In the present paper the attention is focused on the relation between vortex shedding phenomena andacoustic resonance which occurred in the two-dimensional model of boiler.There were tube bankswith in-line arrangement for small tube pitch ratio.We measured the sound pressure level,the phasedelay of acoustic pressures,the spectrum of velocity fluctuation and the gap velocity.As a result, wefound two peak frequencies of sound pressure level with different Strouhal numbers S_t,mainly about0.26 and 0.52.The noise of S_t=0.26 was the resonance of transverse mode and S_t=0.52 waslongitudinal mode.The vortex shedding of S_t=0.15 was generated inside the tube banks withoutacoustic resonance. As gap velocity increased, we observed that the peak level of spectrum was weakand broad-banded. The onset velocity of the acoustic resonance of longitudinal mode was lower thanthat of transverse mode. In the present paper the attention is focused on the relation between vortex shedding phenomena andacoustic resonance which occurred in the two-dimensional model of boiler.There were tube banks with in-line arrangement for small tube pitch ratio. We measured the sound pressure level, the phasedelay of acoustic pressures, the spectrum of velocity fluctuation and the gap velocity. As a result, wefound two peak frequencies of sound pressure level with different Strouhal numbers S_t, mainly about0.26 and 0.52.The noise of S_t = 0.26 was the resonance of transverse mode and S_t = 0.52 was longitudinal mode. The vortex shedding of S_t = 0.15 was generated inside the tube banks withoutacoustic resonance. As gap velocity increased, we observed that the peak level of spectrum was weakand broad- banded. The onset velocity of the acoustic resonance of longitudinal mode was lower thanthat of transverse mode.
春生娶了个如花似玉的媳妇,叫柳叶儿。自从柳叶儿嫁过来,娘的屋春生去的少了,一有空就陪媳妇说话。 春生要去城里打工,临走时,娘叮嘱来叮嘱去,唠叨得春生有点烦。 春生走的
12月9日 晴  一天,我独自走在去往奶奶家的小路上。突然看见一只蜗牛在爬走,我突发奇想,想和蜗牛一起走。于是我学着蜗牛,慢慢地走着。  可是不管我走多慢,总是没一会功夫,那只蜗牛就离我很远了。我忍不住走回去,蹲下来,推了推它。它却停了下来,摇摇脑袋,继续慢慢地向前爬着,好像对我说:“小朋友,我已经尽力了。”  是呀,蜗牛虽然爬的慢,但他靠自己的努力与永不放弃的精神完成自己的目标。我不禁想到,那我
中国社会科学院欧洲研究所到今年已经整整二十岁了。在这二十年当中 ,从无到有 ,从小到大 ,如今已经成为学科门类基本齐备的专业社会科学研究机构。从它创建之日起 ,这个研究