Electrospinning of supramolecular polymer complexes

来源 :Science China(Chemistry) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:chengzi1022
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Supramolecular polymer complexes with small molecules are self-assembled through non-covalent interactions and have been proposed for a wide variety of applications in materials science and nanoscience.Our research group has recently shown the possibility of forming highly ordered nanofibers of supramolecular complexes in their thermodynamically stable state using the electrospinning technique.The ultrafast solvent evaporation rate of electrospinning made possible the in-depth characterization of complexes that had never been prepared in their pure state before because of kinetic issues associated with their formation by conventional approaches.The improved understanding of the formation mechanism allowed us to extend the concept to other techniques featuring a fast solvent evaporation rate,such as electrospray and spin-coating.In this article,we review our most significant contributions in this research field. Supramolecular polymer complexes with small molecules are self-assembled through non-covalent interactions and have been proposed for a wide variety of applications in materials science and nanoscience. Our research group has recently shown the possibility of forming highly ordered nanofibers of supramolecular complexes in their thermodynamically stable state using the electrospinning technique. ultrafast solvent evaporation rate of electrospinning made possible the in-depth characterization of complexes that had never been prepared in their pure state before because of kinetic issues associated with their formation by conventional approaches. The improved understanding of the formation mechanism allowed us to extend the concept to other techniques featuring a fast solvent evaporation rate, such as electrospray and spin-coating. this article, we review our most significant contributions in this research field.
本文回顾了我国二十多年的养鳟历史,探讨了中国养鳟业发展的可观前景。同时阐明了养鳟业的发展必将促进鲑鳟鱼类的增殖和游渔业的开发. This article reviews the history o
他一直不太走运。小时候被人称为天才,考试时却总是发挥失常;长大后,每一次工厂招工他都全力以赴,却次次失之交臂;做生意,别人做什么赚什么,他只负责赔,总是赶猪羊贵,赶羊猪贵。  三十岁那年,他决定离开家,去异乡闯荡。家对于他来说,其实也没什么好留恋的。他最爱的母亲在他八岁那年就走了,家里只有年近六旬的老父。而他和父亲,一向是水火不容的。  父亲是生产队队长。他五岁那年,患上了急性肾炎,医生说不能吃盐