
来源 :档案学通讯 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:wyfwin
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1952年底,随着新中国第一个档案专修班的创立,第一个档案学专业资料室成立了,它从诞生起,就担负了作为教学的基础、科研的助手的重任。 资料室建立之初,一无所有。而当时,由于档案班刚刚建立,没有教材,教员缺乏,急需资料;我国的档案工作刚刚起步,基层档案实际工作很需要档案专业理论予以指导,那么,开展档案科学研究,急需资料;档案专业的学生们学习、实验、写作论文等等,也都急需资料。面对教学的急需,科研工作的迫切要求,资料室的同志们急教师之所“急”,忙学生之所“需”,迅速开展资料业务工作。通过采取订购、复印、摘抄、转录、交换等多种途径和方法,广泛收集积累有关档案学方面的图书、期刊、资料、情报和信息;广泛收集、积累与档案学有联系的相关学科的图书、期刊、资料、情报和信息;与各有关的机关、团体、学校等专业部门,建立广泛而固定的业务联系,互通情况,尽量扩大信息来源。资料室将收集来的这些资料、情报等积极、迅速地提供给教师和学生们,以满足教 By the end of 1952, with the founding of the first archive specialization program in new China, the first archival professional reference room was established. Since its inception, it has assumed the important task of teaching as a basis and a research assistant. The beginning of the data room, nothing. At that time, due to the establishment of archives classes, there was no teaching materials, lack of teachers and urgent need of information. Our archives work has just started, and the actual work of grassroots archives needs the guidance of archival professional theory. So, carrying out scientific research in archives, Students are learning, experimenting, writing essays, etc., and they are in urgent need of information. In the face of the urgent need of teaching, the urgent requirement of scientific research, the comrades in the data room urgently needed the urgent teachers and the needy of the busy students quickly carried out the data business. To collect and accumulate books, periodicals, materials, intelligence and information about archival science through a variety of ways and methods such as ordering, copying, excerpting, transcribing and exchanging; to collect and accumulate a large number of books related to archival science , Periodicals, materials, intelligence and information; establish extensive and fixed business contacts and exchanges with relevant agencies, groups, schools and other professional departments to maximize the sources of information. The information room will collect these information, intelligence, etc. actively and quickly provided to teachers and students to meet the teaching