大多数白手起家的世界富豪在培养子女的金钱观、理财观方面都不吝惜时间与精力,总结一下他们这方面的观点,能给我们的理财观带来参考和借鉴。 规划自己的“钱”程。理财要做到心中有数,要规划自己的理财目标、计划等。IBM前董事长沃森就要求他的儿子从上初中时候起做每周的零花钱支出计划,
Most of the self-made world’s rich do not begrudge the time and energy in cultivating their children’s money concept and financial management concept. Summing up their views in this respect, it can bring reference and reference for our financial management concept. Planning your own “money” process. Financial management to be aware of, to plan their own financial goals, plans and so on. Watson, former chairman of IBM, asked his son to start his weekly pocket spending plan from his junior high school,