学习贯彻江总书记“5·31”重要讲话 蓬勃开展哲学社会科学研究

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5月31日江泽民总书记在中央省部级干部进修班毕业典礼上发表了重要讲话,这次重要讲话是继去年“七一”重要讲话后,再次全面阐述“三个代表”重要思想,提出了贯彻“三个代表”重要思想,关键在坚持与时俱进,核心在保持党的先进性,本质在坚持执政为民。江总书记“5·31”重要讲话高屋建瓴,内涵丰富,思想深刻,论述精辟,有很多理论和实践上的重大突破。贯彻学习江总书记“5·31”重要讲话,这是当前全党面临的一件大事,也是哲学社会科学工作者应努力做好的一件大事。繁荣哲学社会科学,必须全面贯彻“5·31”重要讲话精神。 On May 31, General Secretary Jiang Zemin delivered an important speech at the graduation ceremony of the training program for the provincial and ministerial level cadres at the central government. This important speech is the second comprehensive review of the important thinking of the ’Three Represents,’ following the important speech of July 1 last year. In carrying out the important thinking of the ’Three Represents,’ the key lies in adhering to keeping pace with the times, maintaining the party’s advanced nature at its core, and sticking to the principle of governing for the people. General Secretary Jiang Zemin’s important speech on May 31st has a rich content, profound thinking and brilliant insight. His important breakthroughs in theory and practice are numerous. Carrying out the important speech “5 · 31” by General Secretary Jiang Zemin is an important event the entire party is facing now and it is also a major event that philosophical and social science workers should strive to do well. To promote philosophy and social sciences, we must comprehensively implement the spirit of the “5 · 31” important speech.
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