More than 20 million people worldwide have died of acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (also known as AIDS). Human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) is the causative agent of AIDS and was discovered by Montagnier in 1983. HIV is a retrovirus that consists of two single-stranded RNAs that are transcribed into proviral double-stranded DNA under the action of reverse transcriptase. HIV mainly disrupts the immune system by depleting CD4 T cells. When CD4 T cells are reduced to 200 whole blood / mm-3, the immune system function will be disturbed, and will be accompanied by opportunistic infections such as Mycobacterium tuberculosis, Cryptosporidium and so on. This article provides an overview of the complex, multifaceted immune response due to HIV infection and highlights the mechanisms underlying CD4 T cell failure. Balanced changes in Th1 and Th2 helper cells are also linked to disease progression. To control the disease, researchers have devised multiple vaccines and some have entered clinical trials.