
来源 :中华医学教育杂志 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:yxhzhy
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朋辈心理辅导是一种特殊的心理健康教育形式,是当前我国高等院校教育的一种新的模式.医学生作为高等院校中的一个群体,学制时间长(七年制、八年制),学业负担重,考试多,并在情感、就业、经济、人际交往等多方面存在着不同程度的心理困扰,心理健康问题需要受到更多的关注.加之医学是一门经验学科,朋辈的帮助显得格外重要.本研究对在医学生培养中更好地运用朋辈心理辅导模式进行探索,通过建立朋辈心理辅导工作队伍、构建朋辈心理辅导工作组织以及开展朋辈心理辅导工作,在传道授业、指导就业、舒缓心理压力、指导医患沟通技巧,并且在处理爱情、友情等方面予以辅导.朋辈辅导的积极作用是有目共睹的,通过在医学生培养中“朋辈”模式的开展,可以使医学生在心理素质、医德医风、临床技能等各个方面有所提高,顺利完成医学生向临床医生的角色转变.“,”Peer psychological counseling is a special kind of psychological health education,which offers a new model to our current high school education.As a part of the high school students,medical students need to have a longer study process (7 to 8 years),suffer a more demanding study load and receive various tests,so it have more possibility that they have different kinds and extents of psychological distress in emotion,employment,earnings and human communication,as a result of which,more attention should be paid.Medicine is a subject based on experience,which means the peer psychological counseling plays a more important role.The author is doing his best to use the peer psychological counseling and explore other better methods basing on the peer psychological counseling.The author creates a team named “peer psychological counseling”,plan the whole process of peer psychological counseling and execute the peer psychological counseling to give guidance in imparting knowledge,selecting the jobs,easing psychological stress,communicating with the patients,going together and getting along with friends.It is obvious that peer psychological counseling have a positive effect on all of the above.Through the development of peer psychological counseling in the education of current medical student,we hope to cultivate their own psychological quality,moral character and clinical skills,so that they can be smoothly turned into qualified clinical doctors.
目的 测定部分城乡成年居民膳食类胡萝卜素摄入量水平.方法 从三个不同类型的社区中,选择184名30~60岁成人(男84,女100)作为被调查对象,采用“双份饭法”分别于夏、秋、冬、春
目的 了解高职高专医学院校学生语言运用现状,探究学生在语言运用上出现问题的原因.方法 选取山东医学高等专科学校2011级和2012级护理专业、涉外护理专业、助产专业373名学