The language policy being employed in Tibet is“Tibetan language in the majority,but Tibetan and Chinese language side by side”.We have already writ- ten articles on language acquisition and the use of Ti- betan and Chinese in Tibet.We find that there is some disparity among Tibetan residents in the acquisition and use of these languages.Subconscious emotion in language has many aspects,including attitudes and actions.We will discuss this in reference to a test analy- sis of attitudes towards the two languages.
The language policy being employed in Tibet is “Tibetan language in the majority, but Tibetan and Chinese language side by side ”. We have already been writ- ten articles on language acquisition and the use of Ti- betan and Chinese in Tibet.We find that there is some disparity among Tibetan residents in the acquisition and use of these languages.Subconscious emotion in language has many aspects, including attitudes and actions.We will discuss this in reference to a test analyisis attitudes towards the two languages.