Katz(1922)首先描述了妊娠期心肌梗塞.至1983年文献共报导68例妊娠或分娩期心肌梗塞.作者处理两名妊娠合并心肌梗塞的病人并复习了世界有关文献,目的在于从以前的经验中取得基本处理原则,在今后处理本病患者时,可能会得到必要的修改.一、病例报告例1 27岁,黑人妇女,体重88kg.因第三次妊娠时第五周穿壁性前壁心肌梗塞住院.但当时未诊断出妊娠.患者心肌梗塞的唯一危险因素是有5年每天吸烟一包史.经连续心电图描记和心脏同功酶测定证实心
Katz (1922) first described gestational myocardial infarction and reported 68 cases of myocardial infarction during pregnancy or childbirth in 1983. The authors dealt with two patients with pregnancy complicated with myocardial infarction and reviewed relevant literature in the world in order to draw conclusions from previous experience The basic principles of treatment obtained in the future treatment of patients with the disease, may be necessary changes.A case report, a 27-year-old black woman, weight 88kg.Because the third third week of gestation wearing the anterior wall of the wall Myocardial infarction was hospitalized but no pregnancy was diagnosed at that time.The only risk factor for myocardial infarction in patients was a pack of 5 cigarettes a day for 5 years.It was confirmed by continuous electrocardiography and cardiac isozymes