黑马吴俊最近给我寄来了一组他创作的摄影作品,老实讲,这组作品给我的心灵以巨大的冲击。这倒不是由于吴俊向我与观众展示了与死亡搏斗后所留下的长长疤痕,而是由于他表达了对生命的深刻体验与积极的人生态度。 哲学家叔本华曾认为,意志是一种求生存的、盲目的无意识的力,这种力又驱动着人们去追求无止境的欲望,而所有人陷于失败与痛苦正缘于那不切实际的欲望。因此,摆脱人生的悲剧就是要禁欲。我想,吴俊若不是被偶然事件拖入人生绝境,至少在短期内是会和所有凡夫俗子一样,成为各种欲望的奴隶,即为欲望而纹尽脑汁,为欲望而忙忙碌碌,但半年内接连发生的两次车祸却使他不得不面对死亡这一沉重的问题,从吴俊所写的一篇短文中,我们可以知道:自出事后,他几乎在病床上躺了半年,浑身满各种管子,无法动弹,不仅每日靠注射营养液维持生命,还要忍受各种各样的皮肉之苦,在这样的过程中,他感到自己只是一个物件,任人摆布,却不知道自己明天是否存在。
Dark Horse Wu Jun recently sent me a set of his creative photography, to be honest, this group of works to my heart with a huge impact. This is not because Wu Jun showed me and the audience the long scar left after wrestling with death but because he expressed his profound experience of life and his positive attitude to life. Schopenhauer, a philosopher, once believed that the will is a blind, unconscious force that drives people to pursue endless desires, and the failure and pain of all are attributed to the unrealistic Desire. Therefore, to get rid of the tragedy of life is to abstinence. I think if Wu Jun was not dragged into life by chance, it would, at least in the short term, be a slave to all kinds of desires, a desire to keep pace with his desires but busy within desires for six months The two car accidents that have taken place have forced him to face the heavy issue of death. From an essay written by Wu Jun, we can know that since the accident, he has spent almost six months in his hospital bed, In the process, he felt he was just an object, merry people, but did not know his own tomorrow. He was unable to move, not only daily by injection of nutrient solution to life, but also endure a variety of flesh and blood in the process, does it exist.