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荔枝为我省珍果,营养丰富,经济价值高,驰名中外。但在生产上普遍存在适龄树(10~20年生)“花而不实”的问题,严重影响产量。为了研究讨探这个问题,在有关部门的支持下,我们于一九七五年深入社队调查研究,并于一九七六年在漳州市石亭公社田边、下高坑等大队建立荔枝试验点。通过六年来定点观察、多点试验,对适龄荔枝不结果、少结果的原因进行探索,摸出一套解决办法。从一九八○年起进行了成片大面积的中间试验,获得显著效果。漳州田边试验点有2960株15~16年生荔枝,试验前(1971~1976年)五年总产540担,平均年产106.7担,平均株产3.3斤,试验阶段的一九七七至一九七九年三年总产870担,年产为290担,平均株产9.1斤,为试验前的2.8 Litchi is our province Zhenzhen, nutrient-rich, high economic value, renowned at home and abroad. However, there is a widespread problem of “age-friendly” trees (10-20 years old) in the production of “flowers that are not real” and seriously affect the output. In order to study and explore this issue, with the support of the relevant departments, we conducted an in-depth study of the communes and communes in 1975 and set up litchi in 1976 in the brigades of Tanabe and Xiaokeng in Shiting commune, Zhangzhou City Test point. Through six years of fixed-point observation, multi-point test, no results on the age of litchi, less the reason to explore and find a solution. Since 1980, a large-scale pilot project has been conducted with remarkable results. Zhangzhou Tanabe test point 2960 15-16 years old litchi, before the test (1971 ~ 1976) five-year total output of 540 cans, with an average annual output of 106.7, the average yield of 3.3 kg, the pilot phase of a seven-seven to one In 1997, the total output was 870 pigs in three years, with an annual output of 290 pigs and an average yield of 9.1 kg, 2.8
中文名:艾米莉·布朗宁英文名:Emily Browning生日:1988年12月7日出生地:澳大利亚最新作品:《睡美人》(2011年6月23日)艾米莉·布朗宁参加过八次角色试镜,结果得到了全部自己
5、糖分: 1975年的果实不同发育期及不同种类糖分含量如图6。全糖含量在5月19日的幼果期“大久保”、“锦”都是1.4%左右,到6月23日急剧增大,以后缓慢增加,在完熟期“大久保
AIM:To investigate the feasibility and safety of the treatment of an upper gastrointestinal(GI) submucosal tumor with endoscopic submucosal dissection(ESD).METH
番茄在丰产栽培中,常严重落花落果,过去多用2.4—D防治。近年来我们用对氯苯氧乙酸防止番茄等作物的落花落果,也取得良好效果。 Tomato in high yield cultivation, often