全方位配套改革给包头市纺织总厂带来了生机和活力。1989年,这个内蒙古自治区的大型纺织企业,实现利润比1985年翻了四番多,增长了18倍。1985年以来,企业先后荣获国家级表彰奖励7项,由原来的“老大难”单位一跃而为自治区先进企业。该厂统筹兼顾,全方位地进行了多项制度的改革,做到同步配套,互相作用,发挥了改革的整体化功能。改革经营管理制度,消除了“三铁”弊病: 在分配方面,破除了“铁工资”。总厂在对全厂246个工种、1000多个岗位进行定编定
A full range of supporting reforms to the Baotou Textile Plant has brought vitality and vitality. In 1989, the large textile enterprises in the Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region realized a fourfold increase in profits, a 18-fold increase from 1985. Since 1985, the company has won 7 awards at the national level and has jumped from the original “grandstanding” unit to an advanced enterprise in the autonomous region. The factory makes overall plans and takes all factors into consideration and has carried out the reform of a number of systems in an all-round way so as to achieve simultaneous support and interaction and exert the overall function of reform. Reforming the management system eliminated the shortcomings of the “Three Railways”: In the distribution, the “iron wages” were broken. Plant in the whole plant 246 types of jobs, more than 1,000 positions to be set