Humour Stories

来源 :中学生英语·高三版 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:victor9808
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  A Foolish Boy
   There was once a headmaster. He loved his only son very much. But his son was very foolish and often made other people unhappy by his words.
   One day, the headmaster was invited to a party. His son said,“Dad, you haven’t taken me to any parties for a long fime. Please take me with you.” The father said,“No, this party will be held in a very rich house. It’s for the first birthday of their son. There will be a lot of important people and I’m afraid that you would ...”
   “No, Dad. I promise not to say impolite words at the party. Please!please!”
   The boy was taken to the party. He obeyed his father this time, and said nothing for almost the whole evening. Then, when the party was about to end and all the guests stood up, he, too, stood up and said,“You know, everybody, I haven’t said anything bad today. So if the baby dies this year, it’s not my fault.”
  The Magician and the Parrot
   A magician on a cruise ship was performing one night when a parrot walked onstage and squawked, “It’s in his sleeve!”
   The magician chased the bird away.
   The next night, the magician was performing another trick when the parrot walked onstage and declared, “It’s in his pocket!”
   During his next performance, he saw the parrot in the crowd, but before the parrot could ruin the magic trick, the boat crashed onto a rock and sank.
   The magician grabbed onto a floating board. The parrot was perched on the other end.
   “I give up,” the parrot said. “What did you do with the ship?”
  Hunters Must Keep Quiet
   Joe takes his friend Steve hunting for the first time and reminds him to be still and keep quiet.
   An hour into the woods, Joe hears Steve screaming behind him. “I thought I told you to be quiet!” says Joe.
   “Hey, I kept quiet when the snake bit me,” says Steve, “and I was quiet when the fox attacked me. But when the two chipmunks crawled up my pant leg just now, I heard one ask the other, ‘Should we eat them now or take them with us?’”
现实中的一些语文课堂总让我们难以释怀:有时贴标鉴似地品析文章的写法和语言;有时问题的设置仅存于浅层次的思维活动,学生懂得的是原本就知道的,需要老师引导、点拨的却涉及较少;老师对文本精细化的解读在某种程度上代替了学生对文本原汁原味地咂磨。  课堂是教师与学生生活的重要部分,但是我们决不能让课堂流于生活的肤浅与琐屑。教师有责任让学生处于生活的快乐和成长的启迪中,所以我们一定得让承载着我们自己和学生本人
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