《人民日报》编者按:最近以来,我们陆续收到一些读者来稿,对短篇小说《惠嫂》(原载《延河》,本报在一九六一年二月五日转载)和根据它改编的影片《昆仑山上一棵草》,提出一些疑问和争论。这些意见归纳起来,有这么几个问题: 一、这两个作品是不是太着重了一棵草的作用,以致减弱了党的领导? 二、作品中的一些段落,描写了共产党员老惠和工人们想家、想吃的情况。这种描写,会不会歪曲英雄人物的形象? 三、怎样看待惠嫂这个人物?她值不值得歌颂? 我们今天发表秦犁同志的文章,作为答复。
People’s Daily Editor’s Note: Recently, we have received some readers’ contributions to the short story “Hui Wife” (originally published in “Yan River”, newspaper on February 5, 1961) and according to it Adapted film “Kunlun Mountain grass”, put forward some questions and controversies. These opinions sum up the following questions: First, do these two works emphasize the role of a grass and weaken the leadership of the party? Second, some paragraphs in the work describe the old benefits of communists Workers want home, want to eat. This description, will not distort the image of heroes? Third, how to treat this character Hui Wife? She is not worth praising? Today we published an article by Comrade Qin Li, in reply.