Mobile Police Information System Based on Web Services

来源 :Tsinghua Science and Technology | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:zuoshuqiong
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The demand for communications anywhere, anytime, and on any device without recording the date is growing with the development of modern information technologies. Current wireless communications enable people to freely exchange information, while web services provide loosely-coupled, language-neutral, and platform-independent ways of linking applications within organizations, across enterprises, and across the Internet. This paper describes a mobile information system for police service, which integrates wireless communication technologies and web service technologies. The system satisfies the special demands of police information systems, such as security and interoperability. Policemen in the system can use various kinds of mobile terminals, such as mobile phones, tablet PCs, personal digital assistants, and laptops equipped with wireless LAN or GPRS to access data in the central database. The system is based on web services with a secure web service architecture and simple object access protocol message passing. The demand for communications anywhere, anytime, and on any device without recording the date is growing with the development of modern information technologies. Current wireless communications enable people to freely exchange information, while web services provide loosely-coupled, language-neutral, and platform -independent ways of linking applications within organizations, across enterprises, and across the Internet. This paper describes a mobile information system for police service, which integrates wireless communication technologies and web service technologies. The system satisfies the special demands of police information systems, such as security and interoperability. Policemen in the system can use various kinds of mobile terminals, such as mobile phones, tablet PCs, personal digital assistants, and laptops equipped with wireless LAN or GPRS to access data in the central database. The system is based on web services with a secure web service architecture and simple object acc ess protocol message passing.
610年前,奉明成祖朱棣之命,世界上规模最大的远洋船队由郑和率领从中国江苏太仓刘家湾的港口启航。此后的28年间,郑和率船队七下西洋,经东南亚、印度洋到红海和非洲,遍访亚非30多个国家和地区。郑和船队是文明礼仪之师,在中国航海史和对外开放交往史上具有开创性和先驱性的意义。    为何下西洋?  环顾世界,意大利航海家哥伦布环游世界之壮举世人皆知。其实早在哥伦布环游世界70年前,中国人郑和就已率先环游