免疫因素在不明原因习惯性流产(recurrent spontaneous abortion,RSA)妇女中的致病作用已逐渐被学者认知,外周血、蜕膜和绒毛组织都是孕早期母体和胚胎最直接接触部分,在孕早期这些位置的免疫细胞数量、活性及其所分泌细胞因子对维持正常妊娠扮演着至关重要角色,肿瘤坏死因子-浕(TNF-浕)是其中较重要细胞因子之一。
The pathogenesis of immune factors in women with unexplained recurrent spontaneous abortion (RSA) has gradually been recognized by scholars. Peripheral blood, decidua and villi are the most direct contact parts between the mother and the embryo during the first trimester. The number and activity of immune cells and the cytokines secreted by them at these early stages play a crucial role in the maintenance of normal pregnancy. Tumor necrosis factor-浕 (TNF-浕) is one of the more important cytokines.