甜菜是齐齐哈尔地区主要经济作物, 约占全区经济作物总面积的43%。但由于甜菜直播在4月下旬至5月上旬,正值春风大,保墒差,易遭虫害,严重缺苗;在习惯上采用60~65cm大垄,株距在33.3~39.9cm,亩保苗不超过3000株,群体产量下降;加之长期单纯施入化肥,土壤板结,耕作粗放,轮作换茬不够,生产技术落后,长期沿用旧的直播生产方式,病虫害防治不及时,亩产量只在1t左右徘徊。
Beet is the main economic crop in Qiqihar region, accounting for about 43% of the total area of the region’s cash crops. But beet live in late April to early May, at the spring breeze, poor soil moisture, susceptible to pests, severe lack of seedlings; habit of the use of a large ridge 60 ~ 65cm, spacing 33.3 ~ 39.9cm, acres of seedling not more than In addition, long-term simple application of chemical fertilizers, soil compaction, extensive farming, crop rotation is not enough, the production technology is backward, the long-term use of the old live production, pests and diseases control is not timely, the mu yield hovers only in 1t or so.