现代人处于一种两难的抉择中 :一方面我们所要承受的传统价值毫无例外地包含着虚妄 ,另一方面要彻底拒绝这一切又面临着价值虚无。现代思想家认定人的生命本质是非理性的 ,从而将传统的理性观击碎 ,把乌托邦送入坟墓。现代中国人的处境比西方人更为尴尬 :虚妄的价值尚未摆脱 ,价值的虚无又威胁过来 ,这就是面对市场经济的两难抉择。现代人必须直面和超越这种尴尬 ,既不返回传统 ,也不割裂传统 ,而是重构属于每个人的意识世界 ,由“人是属社会的存在”变成“社会是属人的存在
The modern man is in a dilemma of choice: on the one hand, the traditional values that we have to bear, without exception, include falsehood; on the other hand, we must completely reject all this and face the value of nothingness. Modern thinkers have determined that the nature of human life is irrational, so as to crush the traditional rationality and send utopia to the grave. The situation of modern Chinese is more embarrassing than that of Westerners: the value of vainness has not yet escaped and the value of nothingness is threatened again. This is the dilemma of facing the market economy. The modern people must face and surpass this embarrassment, and neither return to tradition nor split up the tradition. Instead, they reconstruct the world of consciousness belonging to everyone from “human beings are the existence of society” to "the existence of society as human beings