
来源 :教学与管理 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:wangqianzheng
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心理学是一门实践性很强的学科,用心理方法指导班级工作,很有实效。一、进行学法指导心理学研究表明,人脑有“兴奋”和“抑制”两个过程。当大脑处于兴奋时,精力旺盛,记忆力强,学习效率高;当大脑处于抑制状态时,思维迟钝,精神萎靡,学习效果较差。兴奋和抑制过程是可以相互转换的,学习中,长时间的连续学习会使大脑由兴奋状态转为抑制状态,据此,要指导学生合理安排学习时间,劳逸结合,科学学习。学习一段时间后,要休息一会,放松一下,让处于抑制的大脑 Psychology is a very practical discipline, with psychological methods to guide class work, very effective. First, the study of law Psychology studies have shown that the human brain has “excitement ” and “inhibition ” two processes. When the brain is excited, energetic, strong memory, high learning efficiency; when the brain is in a state of inhibition, slow thinking, apathetic, learning less effective. Excitement and inhibition process can be converted to each other, learning, prolonged continuous learning will make the brain from the excited state to inhibit the state, accordingly, to guide students to arrange a reasonable study time, work and rest, scientific learning. After studying for a period of time, take a break, relax and let the brain in depression
一、现阶段国有企业思想政治教育工作背景 1.关于思想政治教育 思想政治教育是以疏导人的思想问题,实现人的观念转变,塑造人的精神世界为目的的,其宗旨是关心人、激励人、发展人