为了解弓形体病在犬中间流行的情况,我们对湖北省犬弓形体进行了调查,现报道如下。 一、材料与方法 受检犬购自湖北省汉阳、武昌、新州、黄岗、黄陂、孝感、东西湖、武汉市等县市。目的是检查肠道内寄生虫,同时取肝脾组织和腹腔液涂片染色镜检找弓形体。并取肝、脾、脑组织研磨成匀浆,按1:10的比例稀释接种小白鼠,接种局分别于21天、14天和7天解剖检查,无病理变化又未找到虫体者为阴性。
In order to understand the prevalence of toxoplasmosis in the middle of dogs, we conducted a survey of canine bodily forms in Hubei Province and are reported as follows. First, the material and method The dogs were purchased from Hubei Province Hanyang, Wuchang, NSW, Huanggang, Huangpi, Xiaogan, East Lake, Wuhan and other cities and counties. The purpose is to check the intestinal parasites, while taking liver and spleen tissue and peritoneal smear microscopy Toxoplasma gondii. The liver, spleen and brain tissue were grinded into homogenate. The mice inoculated were diluted 1:10, and the inoculation was dissected on day 21, day 14 and day 7, respectively, and no pathological changes and no parasites were found .