温州桩基施工界的业内人士有个问题总闹不明白,河南人千里迢迢来温州搞基桩一干就是13年, 没有任何背景,却赢得了温州桩基市场三分天下有其一的局面,奥秘何在? 一上世纪90年代初期,地质勘探队伍面临着一场重大改组,国家计划内钻探任务逐年减少,严峻的形势困扰着这个曾在豫西立下赫赫战功的功勋地质队。生存的危机摆在河南地矿局探矿三队领导班子
Wenzhou pile construction industry insiders have a total problem do not understand, Henan thousands of miles to come to Wenzhou to do the foundation pile is 13 years, without any background, but has won the Wenzhou pile market one-third of the world situation, The mystery? In the early 90s of last century, the geological exploration team is facing a major reorganization, the national program to reduce the number of drilling tasks, the harsh situation plagued this meritorious geological team in western Henan established illustrious. Survival crisis placed in Henan Bureau of Geology and Mineral Resources prospecting team leadership team