浅析大学武术教学改革 ——武术回归生活

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大学的武术教育和其他的教育是一致的,都是为学生提供一个在未来社会生存的条件。教育学家杜威曾说“什么是教育?不过就是生活。”也有人翻译为“教育即生活”。现阶段我们所接受的武术却远离我们的生活,也就出现了“学生热爱武术不喜欢武术课”和“考完就忘光”的现象。武术源于生活,始于实践,经过历代武术家的总结和创造才发展成为了今日中国璀璨的武术文化。形成一种好的文化并不是终极目的,而目的在于如何运用好这一优秀文化来指导实践提高国民素质,因此,武术回归生活才是坦途。本文主要运用文献资料法来分析大学武术教学改革——武术回归生活。针对武术运动在大学开展的现状以及教学过程中存在的问题提出具有针对性的一些措施和方法,以便武术教学的改革,建立一个适应社会和学生需求的武术教学体系。旨在促进武术运动在大学更好的开展,武术教学的内容更加合理,进一步促进学生身体素质的提高。 University martial arts education and other education are the same, are to provide students with a future social conditions for survival. Dewey educators have said “What is education? But life. ” Some people also translated as “education is life ”. At this stage, we accept the martial arts are far away from our lives, also appeared “students love martial arts do not like martial arts ” and “exam finished forget light ” phenomenon. Since martial arts originated from life, it began as a practice and developed into a brilliant Chinese martial arts culture through the summary and creation of previous generations of martial artists. The formation of a good culture is not the ultimate goal, but the purpose is how to make good use of this excellent culture to guide the practice of improving the quality of the nation, therefore, martial arts return to life is smooth. This article mainly uses the literature method to analyze the university martial arts teaching reform - the return of martial arts to life. Aiming at the current situation of martial arts in universities and some problems existing in the process of teaching, this paper puts forward some measures and methods that are targeted to reform Wushu teaching and establish a Wushu teaching system to meet the needs of society and students. The aim is to promote the better development of martial arts in universities, to make the contents of martial arts teaching more reasonable and to further promote the improvement of students’ physical fitness.
目的 探讨延迟性脾破裂的诊治方法.方法 对我院20年间收治的15例延迟性脾破裂的诊断与治疗进行回顾性分析.结果 15例延迟性脾破裂患者均进行了手术治疗,均痊愈出院.结论 重视
1 引言rn《国家新型城镇化规划(2014-2020年)》的颁布施行,在乐观派看来中国城镇化将加速,其目标达成似乎亦指日可待.自然,从农村到城市,从小城市到大城市,人口大规模迁移不
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