Network level pavement evaluation with 1 mm 3D survey system

来源 :Journal of Traffic and Transportation Engineering(English Ed | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:solonxpl
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The latest iteration of Pave Vision3D Ultra can obtain true 1 mm resolution 3D data at fulllane coverage in all 3 directions at highway speed up to 60 mph.This paper introduces the Pave Vision3D Ultra technology for rapid network level pavement survey on approximately1280 center miles of Oklahoma interstate highways.With sophisticated automated distress analyzer(ADA)software interface,the collected 1 mm 3D data provide Oklahoma Department of Transportation(ODOT)with comprehensive solutions for automated evaluation of pavement surface including longitudinal profile for roughness,transverse profile for rutting,predicted hydroplaning speed for safety analysis,and cracking and various surface defects for distresses.The pruned exact linear time(PELT)method,an optimal partitioning algorithm,is implemented to identify change points and dynamically determine homogeneous segments so as to assist ODOT effectively using the available 1 mm 3D pavement surface condition data for decision-making.The application of 1 mm 3D laser imaging technology for network survey is unprecedented.This innovative technology allows highway agencies to access its options in using the 1 mm 3D system for its design and management purposes,particularly to meet the data needs for pavement management system(PMS),pavement ME design and highway performance monitoring system(HPMS). The latest iteration of Pave Vision3D Ultra can obtain true 1 mm resolution 3D data at fulllane coverage in all 3 directions at highway speed up to 60 mph. This paper introduces the Pave Vision 3D Ultra technology for rapid network level pavement survey on approximately1280 center miles of Oklahoma interstate highways.With sophisticated automated distress analyzer (ADA) software interface, the collected 1 mm 3D data provide Oklahoma Department of Transportation (ODOT) with comprehensive solutions for automated evaluation of pavement surface including longitudinal profile for roughness, transverse profile for rutting, predicted hydroplaning speed for safety analysis, and cracking and various surface defects for distresses. The pruned exact linear time (PELT) method, an optimal partitioning algorithm, is implemented to identify change points and dynamically determined homogeneous segments so as to assist ODOT effectively using the available 1 mm 3D pavement surface condition data for decision-making.The application of 1 mm 3D laser imaging technology for network survey is unprecedented. this innovative technology allows highway agencies to access its options in using the 1 mm 3D system for its design and management purposes, particularly to meet the data needs for pavement management system (PMS ), pavement ME design and highway performance monitoring system (HPMS).
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