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南昌起义,是中国共产党缔造人民军队和领导人民军队独立进行武装斗争的开端。由黄河出版社出版的《壮烈的开端——南昌起义研究》(徐兆林著,以下简称《开端》),是一本很有特色的好书。第一,材料丰富,内容充实。南昌起义是国人最熟悉的历史事件之一,也是史学界研究的热点。《开端》一书作者广泛收集有关的历史资料,长期积累研究,以18万字的篇幅对南昌起义的背景、决策、过程和起义军转移等重要事件,以及参与这些事件的有关人物,进行深入系统的论述。为把这一历史事件叙述得清楚、准确。作者大量地使用了当时的历史文献和起义参加者回忆文章所提供的史料,以及革命前辈和史学界专家、学者们研究南昌起义的成果。该书的内容不仅翔实可靠,对南昌起义的前因后果叙述得十分清楚,而且论之有理,议之有据,提出了一些新的看法,无疑使南昌起义的研究深入了一大步。 Nanchang Uprising is the beginning of an independent armed struggle conducted by the CPC in building a people’s army and leading the people’s army. Published by the Yellow River Press “heroic beginning - Nanchang Uprising Research” (Xu Zhaolin, hereinafter referred to as “the beginning”), is a very good book. First, the material is rich and the content is substantial. Nanchang Uprising is one of the most familiar historical events in China and also a hot spot in the study of historiography. The author of “The Beginnings” extensively collected relevant historical materials and accumulated long-term research to conduct in-depth and systematic studies of important events such as the background, decision-making and process of the Nanchang Uprising and the transfer of the rebel forces in Nanchang, as well as related figures involved in these incidents The discussion. To describe this historical event clearly and accurately. The author made extensive use of the historical materials and the historical materials provided by the participants in the uprising, as well as the achievements of the experts and scholars of the revolutionary seniors and historians in studying the Nanchang Uprising. The content of the book is not only informative and reliable, it is very clear about the antecedents and the consequences of the Nanchang Uprising, and it is justified and justified. Some new ideas are put forward, which undoubtedly make a big leap forward in the study of the Nanchang Uprising.
《东方造园论》一书原著是由英国18世纪建筑师威廉·钱伯斯(William Chambers,1723-1796年)整理自己对中国造园思想的理解编写而成。台湾学者邱博舜对该书进行了译注,于2012