《新中医》编辑室: 贵刊近几年来,经常刊登简便适用、药源好找、疗效满意的验方,受到广大读者和医务工作者的欢迎。不少验方经使用确有显著效果。广大群众更喜欢订阅《新中医》杂志了。几年来,我将验方介绍给患者,有的确实疗效不错。如1981年第8期刊载的《疳积散外敷内关穴治疗小儿疳症》经给几名患儿使用,确有意想不到的效果。于××,女,3岁,面黄肌瘦、胃纳欠香、饮食很少。经介绍给上方使用二次,果然胃纳大增,脸色日渐红润。
“New Chinese Medicine” Editing Office: In recent years, your magazine frequently published prescriptions that were simple to apply, had a good medicine source, and had satisfactory results. They were welcomed by readers and medical workers. Many prescriptions have significant effects through use. The majority of the people prefer to subscribe to the “New Chinese Medicine” magazine. Over the past few years, I have introduced prescriptions to patients. Some of them have really good results. For example, in the 8th issue of the 1981 issue of “Pan-pumping with external application of Neiguan points in the treatment of pediatric deafness”, the use of several children has had unexpected results. Yu × ×, female, 3 years old, pale and thin, appetite, and diet. Introduced to the top of the second use, it really increased appetite, his face gradually ruddy.