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中国科学院成立50年来,在科学技术战线上硕果累累,为中国科学事业的发展和技术的进步做出了巨大的贡献,也为国家培养出了一大批优秀的高级科技人才。展望当今世界科学与技术的飞速发展与进步,科学技术对于经济发展、国防建设和社会进步的推动与支持作用正日趋增强。就是在这种情况下,江泽民总书记在今年8月22日给中国科学院建院50周年的题词中, Over the past 50 years since the founding of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, it has made great achievements on the science and technology front. It has made tremendous contributions to the development of science and technology in China and also has trained a large number of outstanding senior scientists and technicians for the country. Looking forward to the rapid development and progress of science and technology in the world today, the role of science and technology in promoting and supporting economic development, national defense construction and social progress is on the rise. It is under such circumstances that General Secretary Jiang Zemin inscribed on the speech of the 50th anniversary of the founding of the Chinese Academy of Sciences on August 22 this year,
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啄木鸟医生:本期我们特邀了全国各地巡诊的湖北专家主治医师刘克锡来坐诊,专治疑难杂症。下面是两例病案。 Woodpecker Doctors: This issue we invited experts throughout
本文结合工程实践就应用信号增强型波速分析仪-Ⅱ型进行桩基检测的效果及经验做了简要陈述。 In this paper, a brief description of the effect and experience of using
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