笔者经过十几年来的研究认为,脑细胞萎缩的主要原因是由于长期慢性的脑供血不足引起,因此,要维持大脑的健康,必须首先解决脑供血不足的问题。成年人有90%的人处于不同程度的脑供血不足,这就是为什么人到去年时要发生脑萎缩和痴呆症的主要原因,笔者已研究并总结出一套根治脑供血不足,预防脑萎缩等脑病发生的五环养生“意能点穴”的治疗方法,下面是一个实验报告,它有力的证明了“意能点穴” 的科学性和适用性。 头为首,脑为帅,大脑控制着身体的每一根神经,人的一切活动都要通过大脑的功能活动来
After more than a decade of research, the author thinks that the main reason for brain cell atrophy is due to chronic chronic cerebral insufficiency. Therefore, to maintain the health of the brain, we must first solve the problem of insufficient blood supply to the brain. 90% of adults in varying degrees of cerebral insufficiency, which is why people last year when the main reason for brain atrophy and dementia, the author has studied and summed up a set of radical brain blood supply, prevention of brain atrophy, etc. The five rings of encephalopathy health “can acupuncture” treatment, the following is an experimental report, it is a strong proof of “meaning acupuncture” scientific and applicability. Head first, brain handsome, the brain controls every nerve in the body, all human activities must be through the brain’s functional activities to