Geological Evidence and Characteristics of Activity of the Wuhe-Mingguang Section of Tancheng-Lujian

来源 :Earthquake Research in China | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:jiangtaizhao
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As the most influential strike-slip fault in East China,the Tancheng-Lujiang fault zone draws scholars attention for its strong seismic activity. Nevertheless,most research has been conducted along segments in Shandong Province and Bohai Bay where huge earthquakes occur frequently. Meanwhile,it is generally believed that segments lying to the south of Huaihe River have been inactive since the late Quaternary and thus it is incapable of generating moderate or strong earthquakes. However,these understandings about the Tancheng-Lujiang fault have been questioned by our recent work for part of the fault south to the Huaihe River. Based on interpretation of high-resolution satellite images,detailed field investigations near Wuhe county and Mingguang City in northern Anhui Province and elaborate microstructure analysis, we come to the conclusion that the Tancheng-Lujiang fault zone mainly consists of four branches and at least one should be active since the late Pleistocene for the Wuhe-Mingguang section. This segment is monopolized by dextral strike-slip motion in late Quaternary. Different from obvious faults in bed rocks or consolidated sediments,the latest activity trace in Quaternary loose sediment revealed by trench excavation is not obvious or even invisible to visual observation. According to our recent work and previous studies, we call for more attention to be paid to invisible faults in young sediment and also suggest that more research be conducted along this seemingly placid segment. As the most influential strike-slip fault in East China, the Tancheng-Lujiang fault zone draws scholars attention for its strong seismic activity. Nevertheless, most research has been conducted along segments in Shandong Province and Bohai Bay where huge earthquakes occur frequently. Meanwhile, it is generally believed that segments lying to the south of Huaihe River have been inactive since the late Quaternary and thus it is incapable of generating moderate or strong earthquakes. However, these understandings about the Tancheng-Lujiang fault have been questioned by our recent work for part of the fault south to the Huaihe River. Based on interpretation of high-resolution satellite images, detailed field investigations near Wuhe county and Mingguang City in northern Anhui Province and elaborate microstructure analysis, we come to the conclusion that the Tancheng-Lujiang fault zone mainly consists of four branches and at least one should be active since the late Pleistocene for the Wuhe-Ming This segment is monopolized by dextral strike-slip motion in late Quaternary. Different from obvious faults in bed rocks or consolidated sediments, the latest activity trace in Quaternary loose sediment revealed by trench excavation is not obvious or even invisible to visual observation. According to our recent work and previous studies, we call for more attention to be paid to invisible faults in young sediment and also suggest that more research be conducted along this seemingly placid segment
随着艺术教育的盛行,审美性的教育哲学与功利化的教育哲学分别都已经不适合艺术教育。从普通教育与职业教育中获得启示,认为当今的艺术教育应该结合普通教育和职业教育的特色来发展。  在今日的中国,学生业余时间参加各种各样的艺术特长班的热潮,一直就没有减弱。很多报道中,学生或者学生家长都提到参加这些特长班的目的是为了增加一技之长。也就是说,对于大多数学习者,他们期望从艺术教育中掌握技能与技巧。笔者在调查中,
使用循环电位扫描法实施了苯胺的电化学聚合 .所用的电解液为苯胺和盐酸溶液 ,以及苯胺、盐酸和氯化钠溶液 .第 4次扫描的两阳极峰 [0 .1 8,0 .75V( vs SCE) ]的峰电流用作苯
汉滨区总面积3643.5Km2,辖46个镇(办)918个村(社区),总人口923227人,已婚育龄妇女 166599人,其中农村户籍已婚育龄妇女148941人,不难发现,汉滨区人口与计生工作的重点、难点在农村,农村必然是困扰汉滨区人口与计生工作的首要难题,能否彻底突破瓶颈,事关汉滨区人口计划生育事业的顺利开展,直接关系到汉滨全面、协调、可持续发展和安康“四个翻番、六个跃升”宏伟目标的顺利实现。  
领导与群众通过广播这个新闻媒体直接进行对话交流,成为新闻监督的一个重要方面。那么,如何才能使领导与群众直接对话节目热播不衰呢?长治广播电视台新闻综合频率开办《政风行风热线》广播直播对话节目多年来的实践表明:只有群众积极反映問题,领导热心解决问题,才能使领导与群众对话节目热播不衰。  一、热播之因  长治市的新闻监督,曾在2002年7月引起中纪委有关部门的关注,经过调研,认为这个市当时在新闻监督方面
已知含参数的方程的解在某个区间内或在某个区间内有解 ,求方程中参数的取值范围是一类常见问题 ,文 [1 ]中就有一个关于这类问题的例子 ,现将该例及其解答摘录如下 :关于x的
《疯癫与文明》是法国著名思想家福柯的成名作,作者将“疯癫”视为文化、知识建构下的产物,是文明的事实而非生物学事实,抛出理性排斥、压制、禁锢非理性使之沦为“他者”的论断,对西方理性的历史提出质疑,启发我们以审慎的立场、态度看待理性,反思理性。而该书论证切入的手法、“道德评判”的若隐若现、写作风格的富丽堂皇同样是值得我们细细琢磨的。  米歇尔·福柯被公认为二十世纪极富批判性和反叛性的法国思想家,后现代