好像很久了,从去纽约参加纽约长风中乐团在墨尔金音乐厅(Merkin Hall)举行的首演作品音乐会到现在,又好像才是昨天发生的。我发现对一切记忆弥深的事,都会有这样的感觉。在那次音乐会上,演奏了不少中美作曲家们为长风中乐团而作的乐曲,其中有我的《丝竹引》,一首为中乐而作的八重奏(长风乐团演奏,周龙指挥)。
It seems like a long time since I attended New York to attend the debut concert of the New York Changfeng Chinese Orchestra at the Merkin Hall and it seems that it happened yesterday. I found that I felt this way about all things that memorize. At that concert, many Chinese and American composers played music for the Windy Wind Chinese Orchestra. Among them are my “Bamboo Charm”, an eight-part composition for Chinese music (Changfeng Orchestra , Zhou Long command).