自1988年我县卫生系统普遍实行了院长承包经营责任制、职工聘任制、工资浮动制,使全县医疗单位服务质量、医疗质量不断提高,经济效益明显好转.妇幼保健工作不但没有削弱,有些地方反而得到了加强.在开展妇幼保健工作方面,我们运用“经济杠杆”取得了初步效果.具体做法是: 一、妇幼保健工作同院长的经济利益联系起来院长的浮动工资分四部分:其中妇幼、防疫各占20%,行政管理、医疗业务各占30%.如果该乡的妇幼保健工作搞得好,院长的工资就可以上浮,反之下浮,这样促使院长更加重视妇幼保健工作. 二、妇幼保健工作同乡(镇)妇幼医生的经济利益联系起来妇幼医生的基本工资分两部分,其中80%做为妇幼保健工作的浮
Since 1988, the county health system generally implemented the president contractor responsibility system, the appointment system of staff and workers, the floating system of wages, so that the quality of medical services throughout the county medical units, improve the quality of medical care, economic benefits improved significantly.Metabolic and child health work has not weakened, In some areas, we have actually gotten stronger. We have achieved initial results in using “economic levers” in carrying out maternal and child health care work. Specifically, the maternal and child health work is linked to the economic interests of the chief superintendent by floating income in four parts : 20% of which are maternal and child health care and epidemic prevention, 30% of which are administrative and medical services, and if the maternal and child health care work in the township is well done, the director’s salary can go up and down, thus prompting the dean to pay more attention to maternal and child health care Work 2. Maternal and Child Health Care Work Associated with the economic interests of women and children in township (town) The basic salary of women and children doctors is divided into two parts, 80% of which are floating in maternal and child health care