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我省能源供应十分紧缺,已成为制约经济稳步发展的重要因素。因此,合理利用能源,降低能耗是我省长期的战略任务。目前全省现有工业与民用供热锅炉约2万台,年耗标准煤1000万t以上。热效率低。一般为50~60%,而且环境污染严重。我省地方所属1.2万kW及以下的小凝汽火电厂机组有90多台,约40万kW,供电煤耗在600g/kW·h以上,虽过去缺电期间补充了电网电力不足,发挥了巨大的历史作用,促进了工农业的发展,但当今大机组日益投入运行,电网电力逐步缓和的情况下,这些机组面临着改造与淘汰的局面。所以,在有条件地积极发展热电联产,是提高能源利用率的重要途径,同时可以收到节约能源,增加电量,提高经济效益,改善环境的综合效果。1990年我们曾对苏南、苏北4个市15个热电厂进行了调查,试图为进一步发展节能热电厂提供建议供决策部门参考。 The energy supply in our province is very scarce and has become an important factor that restricts the steady development of the economy. Therefore, the rational use of energy and the reduction of energy consumption are our long-term strategic tasks. At present, there are about 20,000 industrial and civil heating boilers in the province, and the annual consumption of standard coal is more than 10 million tons. Thermal efficiency is low. Generally 50 to 60%, and the environment is seriously polluted. There are more than 90 small condensing thermal power plant units with a capacity of 12,000 kW and below, and about 400,000 kW locally. The coal consumption for power supply is above 600g/kW·h. Although the power shortage of the power grid was insufficient during the power shortage, it has played a huge role. The role of history has promoted the development of industry and agriculture. However, today’s large-scale generating units are increasingly put into operation, and power grid power is being gradually eased. These units are faced with the situation of transformation and elimination. Therefore, actively developing combined heat and power in a conditional manner is an important way to increase energy efficiency. At the same time, it can receive energy conservation, increase electricity, increase economic efficiency, and improve the overall effect of the environment. In 1990, we conducted investigations on 15 thermal power plants in four cities of southern Jiangsu and northern Jiangsu, trying to provide suggestions for the development of energy-saving thermal power plants for reference by decision-making agencies.
【英国《国际核工程》1991年6月号第52页报道】自瑞典 ABB 原子能公司开始进行 PIUS 型堆的设计工作以来,差不多已有10个年头了。开发这种堆的目的在于改进轻水堆的安全性,
【美国《国际先驱论坛报》1991年3月18日报道】一些著名的科学家得出结论说,两名化学家所谓在试管中实现了核聚变反应的惊人宣布,是以一些捏造数据为基础 [United States
上海市计算所自80年代初期就吸收、综合国内先进的开关电源技术,开始研制 SV开关稳压电源,经过十多年的不断开发研制,目前已形成初具生产规模的系列产品,品种已达百余种,年
今年9月,中国建筑学会建筑经济学术委员会在武汉召开年会。会上交流的论文就当前建筑业改革和发展中的主要问题做了深入的探讨。本刊从这期开始陆续选登部分论文。 In Septe