随着“小户型”居室的走俏,“简约生 活”方式的流行,一种“低音炮家庭 影院”越来越受到家庭欢迎。 据调查,我国城市居民住房以70-80平米居多,三口之家,四口之家的“小户型”居室最为走俏。在这种情况之下,加上考虑邻居的休息,平日里的放音响总不敢太大声,音响大功率往往显得多余。
With the popularization of “small apartment” living room and the popularity of “simple living”, a kind of “subwoofer home theater” is more and more welcomed by families. According to the survey, China’s urban residents to 70-80 square meters of housing mostly, three-family, family of four “small apartment” bedroom most popular. In this case, coupled with the consideration of the neighbor’s rest, put the sound on weekdays are not too loud, the sound power often appear superfluous.