
来源 :中共中央党校学报 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:hengkuan
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“政治协商会议”作为党派合作的组织形式,是适应抗日战争胜利前后国共合作、和平建国的实践需要,国共两党在具体商谈过程中经过多次演变而逐步形成的,国共两党以及民主党派中的许多有识之士对此都有所贡献。但是,“中国人民政治协商会议”最终被确定为人民民主统一战线的组织形式,则是共产党人根据当时政治形势和中国革命发展的需要而确定下来的。具体到“政治协商会议”名称,大体经历了国是会议——党派会议——政治会议——政治协商会议——新政协会议——中国人民政治协商会议,历时6年时间历经六次转变之后才最终被确定下来。“政治协商会议”这个名称来之不易,它既是多党合作实践的产物,记录着中国人民为寻找适合自己国情的政治形式所经历过的艰辛历程,也是解放了的中国人民一次独立自主的制度安排,展示出中国共产党人构建适合国情的政治形式的高超政治能力和卓越政治智慧。 As an organizational form of partisan cooperation, the “Political Consultative Conference” was formed to meet the practical needs of the Kuomintang and the Communist Party (KMT) and Kuomintang (KMT) and the Kuomintang (KMT) and the Kuomintang (KMT) for the founding of the People’s Republic of China before the victory of the Anti-Japanese War. The Kuomintang and the Communist Party Many people of insight in the democratic parties contribute to this. However, the “Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference” was finally determined as the organizational form of the people’s democratic united front, and was determined by the Communists on the basis of the current political situation and the needs of the development of the Chinese revolution. Specific to the “political consultative conference ” name, generally experienced the country is a conference - Partisan conference - Political conference - Political consultative conference - CPPCC National Committee - Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference, which lasted six years after six After the change was finally determined. “The name” Political Consultative Conference "is not easy to come by. It is not only a product of the practice of multi-party cooperation, it also records the arduous course the Chinese people have experienced in finding a political form suitable to their own national conditions. It is also an independent and libertarian Chinese people Institutional arrangements to demonstrate the superb political ability and political wisdom of the Chinese Communists in building a political form suited to the national conditions.