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  【Abstract】Gender discrimination against female in advertising industry appears to be ubiquitous especially in late 20th century.I intend to demonstrate that auto ads are under the influence of common gender stereotype which discriminates women as an inferior role in the society.
  【Keywords】auto ads; gender discrimination; objectify
  As Sexual Objects
  In auto advertising industry,certain stereotypes towards women are in fashion years after years because they always expose men’s desire directly.The popular stereotypes that concentrate on the inferior status of women in masculine society reflect the ideal appearance in accordance with most men’s common judgment.
  Auto ads are designed mainly by highlighting women’s body shape rather than internal beauty.Many auto ads of late 20th century present part of women’s body (Kilbourne 258).A disputable example is the print ads for supplementary restraint system of Mercedes Benz,which uses four pairs of breasts to surround the brand’s name,indicating the exceptional softness of its air bags.Whether sexual desire has been conveyed in a direct or a roundabout way does not really matter,because both persuasive techniques can achieve popularity.
  A woman who possesses feminine beauty like stunning shape,blonde hair,plump breasts and long legs is more likely to be the ideal companion for males.Therefore,the core appeal of this type of auto ads emphasizes on the concept that for an outstanding man,choosing a perfect car equals to find a perfect partner.Even for innocent consumers who are not familiar with any car,they will associate the perfect female image with a car brand and make quick decision.
  As The Weak
  It is a matter of fact that advertisers hardly depict women as highly professional roles,but women are likely to be supportive and subordinate roles instead (Knupfer,1998).Beautiful women’s fragility and helplessness in a dangerous situation or a dilemma are often displayed in auto ads.Being based on dependency upon male protection,this intention effectively activates macho bravado.
  In auto ads with the female image as the weak,they tend to sacrifice women’s intelligence in order to highlight one particular function of the car that can make up for her weakness.Ford Company adopted images of three modern and charming young ladies who were kidnapped and hid in the trunk of the car.The core appeal is aimed at boosting the large capacity of the trunk,with a message “leave your worries alone” at the bottom of the picture.   Males have the tendency to be lured by females that behave delicately.Some auto ads put feminine delicacy into use and take a leap in making profit.Feminists had seriously condemned this “weakness appeal” to bring disgrace to women,but the market did not seem to make a positive response to them.Late 20th century has witnessed a variety of ads regarding female weak points without being doubted publicly.
  As Ignorant and helpless Housewives
  For married male customers,advertisers figure out a new appeal by discriminating housewife’s incapability.Housewives are confined themselves in families and loads of housework occupy their daytime.Thus,a widely-accepted stereotype is the ignorance of the outside world and the likeliness to be troubled by things dealt with mental power.
  A frequently used idea is housewives are not familiar with driving skills.As the Volkswagen Company once proposed that “women are soft and gentle,but they hit things”,it expressed a concern for female driver’s carelessness that requires immediate attention.Although it does not excite straightforward criticism,it still makes a harsh denial of women’s competence in driving.As time goes by,inadequate description of a role may become appropriate (Jill Hicks Ferguson et al.48).Instead of accusation,public judgment appears to be neutral and even affirmative.But the worst consequence turns out that auto ads impose sexism on readers and successfully persuade them.It is true that Volkswagen advertising has already gone that far.
  This essay focuses on three aspects to illustrate that women are severely discriminated in auto advertisements in 20th century,and provides possible reasons for the existence of sexism.
  [1]Kilbourne Jean.“Deadly Persuasion.Why Women and Girls Must Fight the Addictive Power of Advertising.”The Free Press,New York (1999).Print.
  [2]Nelson.Knupfer Nancy.“Gender Divisions Across Technology Advertisements and the WWW:Implications for Educational Equity.” Theory into Practice.37.1.(1998):54-63.Print.
  [3]Ferguson Jill Hicks,Kreshel Peggy J,Tinkham Spencer F.“In the Pages of Ms.:Sex Role Portrayals of Women in Advertising.”Journal of Advertising.19.1.(1990):40-51.Print.
【摘要】随着全球化进程的日益加快,英语的应用也越来越广泛,但是传统英语教学的成果对于当代社会发展来说是远远不够的。语言是文化的重要载体,但是在实际的初中英语教学中,相对于英语基础知识来说,很大程度的忽略了在教学中的文化渗透,本文通过分析在英语教学中进行文化渗透的重要性和必要性,结合工作经验,得出了一些在新课程教育环境下初中英语教学中进行文化渗透的具体方法。  【关键词】新课程体系 初中英语 文化渗
【Abstract】This article discusses two strategies on culture translation: one of them is domestication,the other is foreignization. It is concluded that the two strategies have their respective features
【摘要】本文以初中《英语课程标准》(2011年版)为指导,在分析初中英语听力文本解读必要性的基础上,从语言知识、语言技能、学习策略、文化意识情感态度等四个方面对听力文本进行多元解读。以教材Go for it九年级全一册(2014版)Unit 8 Section A 1a—2c为例,在多元解读听力文本的基础上,设定教学目标,设计教学活动,有效进行初中英语听力教学的实践。  【关键词】初中英语 多元解
献给皮埃保罗·马切提 1  他被截肢的那天,整个世界都塌下来了。当时他只有十八岁,是个天生的中前锋,也是“永远的查科”足球队少年组有史以来最棒的九号。他刚刚被挖到博卡青年队,准备几周后闪亮登场,但就是在这个时候接到了上战场的通知。那是1982年的夏天,加尔铁里将军下令进攻英属马尔维纳斯群岛,迪多·蒂图里奥一周后就应召入伍。他的苦难从此开始了。  他被派往鹅绿湾,在那场战役中,来自英军的炮火让草甸化
【摘要】人教版初中英语(新目标)教材,针对听、说、读、写这四项技能训练选入了丰富的教学素材。利用这些素材,将写作训练渗透到听、说、读以及语法教学等各个版块中,通过对学生听写、改写、仿写、规范语言等能力的培养,可以有效提高学生的英语写作能力。  【关键词】英语写作 听写 改写 仿写 规范语言  《义务教育英语课程标准》要求初中学生掌握听、说、读、写等方面的语言技能,在这四种技能中,“写”是学生对所学
我们人类用舌头、牙、嘴唇和喉咙吃饭、喝水和呼吸,又用它们发声。多数人到5岁的时候,就已经会说几千个词汇,每一个词在他的语言中都有特定的含义。语言的种类有很多,有的人会说两种语言,有的人會说更多种语言。  形成词汇  通过变换口形和舌头的位置,我们可以使喉发出的声音产生变化。要想通过说话来交流,我们必须把这些声音组合成词语。  口语  人类的喉能够发出声音,也就创造了口语。喉上有两条声带,空气经过声
一、案例背景  经过调查,我了解到几乎所有的孩子都喜欢听音乐。很多学生还有自己崇拜的歌手,但绝大多数学生接触的都是中文歌曲。会唱英文歌的孩子很少,然而他们对英文歌也并非没有兴趣,他们有了解英美流行音乐的渴求。我个人也非常喜欢英美流行音乐,我认为英语歌曲能够丰富英语学习的文化内涵,激发学生学习英语的热情,拓展学生的视野,陶冶情操,提高他们鉴赏美的能力。为此我开设了一次有关美国流行音乐的讲座,希望与大
【摘要】语言来源于生活。英语作为一种语言交流工具,与生活的联系也有密切的联系。在初中阶段的英语教学中,让学生讲英语学习融入到具体的生活中,对英语课堂效率的提高有很大的帮助。本文将结合新课标英语具体实例,从英语教学观念、课堂内容设置等方面切入,探讨初中英语生活化教学的有效方法和策略。  【关键词】初中英语 生活化教学 策略  语言与生活有着密切的联系,语言的学习也要从生活实际入手。初中英语学习,教师
【Abstract】The research is based on PACTE’s translation competence model and the knowledge spiral module to probe possible solutions to translation students’ weak translation competence at SFLC.A propo