在国际生态学会(INTECOL)与国际生物科学联合会(IUBS)生态学部联合主持下,由国际生态学会,日本生态学会(ESJ)、日本科学委员会(SCJ)及日本国立横滨大学(YNU)等主办的“第5届国际生态学会议”于1990年8月23~30日在日本横滨市召开。我院动物学讲师朱曦参加会议,并向大会提交论文:Studies on the homerange,growth 0f the nestling and biomass production of breeding population of Great tits,Parus major artatus.这是朱曦先生1985年参加“热带,亚热带山地丘陵区开发国际生态学会议”,1987年“首届国际野生动物保护会议”之后参加的又一次大型国际会议。
Under the joint auspices of the International Ecological Society (INTECOL) and the International Union of Biological Sciences (IUBS) Department of Ecology, organized by the International Ecological Society, the Japanese Society of Ecology (ESJ), the Japanese Science Council (SCJ) and the National University of Yokohama (YNU). The 5th International Ecological Conference was held in Yokohama, Japan from August 23 to 30, 1990. Lecturer Zhu Xi of the Institute of Zoology in our school attended the conference and submitted the paper to the conference: Studies on the homerange, growth 0f the nestling and biomass production of breeding population of Great tits, Parus major artatus. This was Zhu Xi’s participation in the “tropical” in 1985. The International Ecological Conference on the Development of Subtropical Hilly Areas, and another large-scale international conference after the First International Wildlife Conservation Conference in 1987.