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过去总是听别人说外国人如何如何地重视营养,如何如何地注重维生素与微量元素的摄入,因总是无缘亲自目睹,也就不大在意,心想外国人也是人,还不是一口一口地吃饭!但有这么两件小事却使我对“老外”重视营养摄入之程度由衷地赞叹了一番。今年有幸去参观座落在上海闵行的中美上海施贵宝制药有限公司,午餐时,发现每一位中外员工都到一个窗口自取一匙蚕豆粒般的东西,我不知是何物,故不敢轻易食用,一中国员工问我:“你为何不取施尔康呢?我问:”何为施尔康?“他指着那些蚕豆般的东西告诉了我一系列有关施尔康的知识。无独有偶,朋友之父亲去美国访问回来,美国友人送了两筒”极其珍贵“的礼品,不知为何物,仔细一看方 In the past, people always talked about how foreigners value their nutrition. How to focus on the intake of vitamins and trace elements? Because they always miss chances and do not care about foreigners, they think that foreigners are not one by one. However, there are two small things that make me sincerely admire the extent to which ”foreigners“ value their nutritional intake. This year was fortunate enough to visit the Shanghai-based Shanghai Squibb Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd., located in Minhang, Shanghai. At lunchtime, every Chinese and foreign employee found himself in a window picking up a spoonful of broad beans. I did not know what it was, Easy to eat, a Chinese employee asked me: ”Why do not you take it?“ I asked: ”What is Schellon? “ He pointed to those things like broad beans told me a series of about Elk Health .Is kindly, my friend’s father came back to the United States to visit, the United States sent two friends, ”extremely precious" gift, I do not know why, a closer look Fang
In chemical processes, fault diagnosis is relatively difficult due to the incomplete prior-knowledge and unpredictable production changes. To solve the problem,
以Cs_2CO_3(1.2倍摩尔量)为碱,t-BuOOt-Bu或t-BuON=NOt-Bu(0.2倍摩尔量)为自由基源,在2-丙醇(80倍摩尔量)中于120℃或50℃下反应3或24 h,卤代(包括氯、溴、碘)芳烃被还原成芳
患者 女,25岁,闭经4年,结婚1年.患者14岁初潮,月经正常.18岁起月经稀发,周期3~4月,经量少,21岁起闭经,伴潮热,烦躁易怒,需用人工周期(雌激素+孕激素)方来月经.查体:身高156 cm,体重55 kg,表型、智力正常,体健.双乳发育尚可,乳头小,无泌乳.外阴无阴毛,发育尚可;阴道充血,粘膜皱襞少,分泌较少;宫颈小,光滑;宫体前倾,小于正常;双侧附件未扪及.阴道B超检查提示:子宫呈鞍形
Objective: This study aims to identify recent population- based trends in maternal overweight and obesity and adverse outcomes. Study design: Statewide retrospe
In the forming of the Dynamic System of Tourism Development (DSTD)in developed regions from the view of supply side,the Delphi Method and the Analytical Hierarc