2005 年3 月15 日,中国视协第 三届主席团第六次会议在北京召开。 杨伟光主席主持会议。会议审议了即 将召开的中国视协三届四次理事会 议工作报告(草案),讨论通过了新 修改的第23届中国电视金鹰奖章程 及实施细则,讨论通过了关于贯彻《全国性文艺新闻出版评奖管理办法》 的决?
On March 15, 2005, the 6th meeting of the 3rd Bureau of China Visual Association was held in Beijing. Chairman Yang Weiguang presided over the meeting. The meeting reviewed the forthcoming work report (Draft) of the Third Session of the Fourth China Association of Viewing Consultants, discussed and approved the revised constitution and implementation rules of the 23rd China Television Golden Eagle Award, discussed and approved the draft resolution on implementing the “National Arts Press and Publication Award management approach ”the final decision?