Traditional honeypot is in fact a “pas-sive proactive” defense mechanism because it may lose the value entirely once the adversary has de-tected the existence of the static trap and by-passed it. Our work focuses on a Self-Election dy-namic honeypot framework which aims to bewilder attackers by coordinating and switching roles peri-odically to form a huge dynamic puzzle. In this pa-per, we discuss the UDP Spokesman synchroniza-tion scheme and the Self-Election coordination method, perform the framework simulation of the dynamic array honeypot with NS2, carry out the prototype implementation by Java, and then vali-date the effectiveness and feasibility on the simu-lation and prototype system. The promising results of applying this framework to mitigate the effects of attacks are shown and analyzed. Our work dem-onstrates that the Self-Election dynamic array hon-eypot system is feasible and effective for proactive network confrontation.