吸血鬼、狼人、科学怪人、隐形人……这些家喻户晓的怪物被人提及时,常常跟“惊悚”“诡异”联系在一起。然而索尼公司2012年出品的动画电影《精灵旅社》(Hotel Transylvania)却从不一样的角度带领观众重新认识了这些怪物,发掘了他们可爱、幽默的一面。在这部电影中,吸血鬼Dracula伯爵的女儿Mavis在父亲的古堡精灵旅社中与意外闯入的人类青年Jonathan相遇并相爱,一众萌怪和人类也消除了误会,彼此和解。在最近上映的续集《精灵旅社2》中,温情和搞笑依然不减,一众萌怪为我们讲述了关于成长的故事。
Vampires, werewolves, Frankenstein, invisible people ... ... these well-known monster was mentioned, often with “thriller ” “strange ” linked. However, Sony’s 2012 animated film “Hotel Transylvania” has led viewers to re-recognize these monsters and explore their lovable, humorous aspects from a different perspective. In this movie, Mavis, the daughter of count vampire Dracula, met and fell in love with Jonathan, an unexpected young man in his father’s castle elven hostel. All the monsters and humans also eliminated misunderstanding and reconciliation. In the recently released sequel “Elven Inn 2”, warmth and funny still diminished, a strange mob for us to tell about the story of growth.