浒浦公社市镇的五格式粪池已使用十多年,对改善环境卫生,提高肥效起了一定的积极作用,颇受群众欢迎。为了总结经验,给今后建造更多的这种类型的粪池提供科学依据,我们对这种粪池进行了卫生学效果调查以及实验观察,现总结报告如下: 一、粪池基本情况1.池型结构该种粪池系五格串联的大型储粪池,总容积为221.805米~3。各池有效容积为:一池44.1米~3,二池34.3米~3,三池27米~3,四池27米~3,五池35.91米~3。进粪道设有V形粪封,内接缓流装置,各池过粪道系上、下,左、右对角开口,每过粪道口外都装有挡粪渣罩和板,各池密封状况尚好。2.粪便来源、粪水比例和流程时间
Huabu commune town of five-format septic tank has been used for more than 10 years, to improve the environment and health, improve fertilizer effect played a certain positive role, popular among the masses. In order to summarize the experience, to provide more scientific basis for the construction of more of this type of septic tank in the future, we conducted a survey on the hygiene effects of this septic tank as well as experimental observations. The summary report is as follows: I. Basic Situation of Septic Tank 1.Pool Type of structure The septic tank is a series of five large storage tanks, a total volume of 221.805 m ~ 3. The effective volume of each pool is: a pool of 44.1 meters to 3, two pools of 34.3 meters to 3, three pools of 27 meters to 3, four pools of 27 meters to 3, five pools 35.91 meters ~ 3. The manure is provided with a V-shaped manure cover and an internal buffer device connected thereto. Each manure passage of the manure tank is diagonally opened on the upper, the lower, the left and the right. Each manure cover is provided with a block cover and a slab cover, Sealing condition is still good. 2. Source of manure, manure ratio and process time