Shilong County early rice transplanting is over. Whether we can increase harvests in the future or not depends on the management of the fields. We need to work hard in the field and work in a solid style without stopping. To do a good job in the management of the field, we must first set the tone for politics, deepen the debate and criticize the incorrect ideas. Criticize the idea of reinserting the light tube at the very beginning, be sure to insert it into one piece and manage the piece together. The middle should not criticize the time, management of rough, not thorough complacency. Lastly, we should criticize the one-sided view of the theory. Critically incorrect ideas must be fully mobilized by the masses and debates should be conducted so that everyone knows why they need to emphasize field management and how to do well. This will enable a series of fields to be managed in a coordinated manner , To reach sturdy, roots full of valleys,