应用于汽车雷达上的喇叭天线或透镜天线,为了获得高增益和高方向性,其长度或口面一般较大。为了保持口面大小不变,并且能有效缩短喇叭天线长度来减小体积、节约成本,文中设计了超材料平面透镜喇叭天线。采用此超材料的天线增益相比同尺寸的普通喇叭天线增加了1.5 d B。进而,通过对喇叭口面的相位分析,采用了一种改进结构,该改进结构的增益相比同尺寸的普通喇叭天线增加了2.3 d B,与同增益同口径面积的普通喇叭天线相比长度缩短了44%。实测结果表明,该超材料喇叭天线能提高喇叭天线2.5 d B左右的增益。
Horn antenna or lens antenna used in automotive radar, the length or the mouth is generally larger in order to obtain high gain and high directivity. In order to maintain the same size of the mouth, and can effectively shorten the length of the horn antenna to reduce the size and cost savings, the paper designed a meta-material planar lens horn antenna. Antenna gain using this metamaterial compared to the same size of the ordinary horn antenna increased 1.5 d B. Furthermore, by analyzing the phase of the horn face, an improved structure is adopted, whose gain is 2.3 dB more than that of a conventional horn antenna of the same size. Compared with the conventional horn antenna with the same gain and the same aperture length Shortened by 44%. The experimental results show that the metamaterial horn antenna can increase the gain of 2.5 d B about the horn antenna.